The Artist’s Call

It’s been an idea for a while to communicate to the world an aspect of myself that is a considerable part of my identity. The word artist brings to mind an individual who puts colour to paper forming images that inspire. I am not the kind of artist who paints with charcoal, watercolours or ink. My paintbrush is my body and the medium of choice being the space around me on a stage. The title of dancer comes to mind but ultimately what I am trained in is a vehicle to convey the artist within.

Bharatanatyam. The complex word doesn’t roll off the tongue as easily as Ballet, Jazz or Kathak but is on par in terms of difficulty, footwork and endurance. So I try to say it’s Indian Classical Dance and I’m met with either polite curiosity from people who understand what the word “Classical” means or I’m met with the stereotypical “screw in the light bulb and pet the dog” hand movements asking for confirmation whether it’s Bhangra. Really ought to thank Bride and Prejudice for that pop culture reference. But there is one more insinuation I am met with every time I try to explain the art that I’ve spent 17 years of my life attempting to perfect that leaves me cringing – “Oh so it’s Bollywood like in the movies!”

Having encountered entirely too many situations like this and awarding myself a pat on my back for restraining my eyeballs from rolling to the heavens in exasperation, I endeavour to dedicate myself to educating people about my art. This blog will attempt to explain the related complexities of being a Bharatanatyam dancer such as the music, makeup, dance theory and styles with the humble knowledge I’ve gathered from my Gurus (esteemed teachers) and colleagues. I welcome you to join me in this Artistic Journey.Krishna Narthanam

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